So it's that time of year AGAIN. The time where students are still roaming campus at 3am, Java City is packed and running out of coffee, and the teachers are starting to notice their students slowly turning into zombies. Yep, that's right the dreaded midterms are here. Time to stay up all night cramming for that Calculus test you put off for weeks, or that project worth 30% of your grade that you decided to start the night before. It's a nasty cycle, because we stay up all night studying, which becomes non-productive after around 2 or 3 in the morning because you're so tired your brain cannot take in any more information. Then you finally go to bed at 5am, which means you'll be getting roughly 2 and a half hours of sleep (if you're me) By the time your test rolls around, you're so disoriented and delusional that it's getting harder and harder to remember everything you were cramming during the wee hours of the morning. It's literally almost impossible to focus on anything. Your synapses are slowed down, your reactions drag, and all you can really think about is how exhausted you are, let alone that derivative problem you need to solve on that CALC test. Scientific studies have also shown that when you go for over 18 hours or so without sleep it's almost like being drunk- the side effects are the same. Yeah that was me today. I stayed up til almost 6am studying for my Calculus midterm. Let's just say I flatlined around noon, and it was downhill from there. I'm still tired and I won't be able to go to bed until at least midnight. And these are midterms. I don't even want to think about finals.
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